Maynot hosts this space to make available for sale creations by Lisa Roberts and co-authors of the Living Data program that she leads. Living Data are responses to our changing natural world that are true to science, true to senses, adapting and evolving (doing something new), to seed treaties (agreements) between peoples and countries to live well together, acknowledging diversity and reciprocity as vital for a healthy human culture.

Blue spiral signifies flows of Indigenous knowledge that come from lands and waterways. Orange grid signifies colonial frameworks opening up to two-way learning and teaching through Indigenous cultural practices and the scientific method.
Two-way learning icon co-authored by Cat Kutay, Robyn Murphy and Lisa Roberts (2021-08-19)
My contributions to Maynot are art works in the Limbo collection you see in the foyer and treatment rooms. These are freely provided to promote the philosophy we share, of the necessity for art and science in all we do, and of movement, change and transformation as vital for enduring health. My art reflects my experience as a dancer and my knowledge of primal forms that shape living things. Primal forms are circling, crossing and spiralling. They come from lands and waterways worldwide. They belong to everyone as languages of relationship. Primal forms are integral to Indigenous languages everywhere. Primal forms in nature embody enduring knowledge of human relationship and responsibility, in song, dance, music, drawing, painting, engraving, ceremony and more…
Lisa Roberts
Catalogues display original works and their stories that contribute to LunarTime and MEASO Living Data maps and libraries, for sharing knowledge that comes from country.
CATALOGUE #001: Lisa Roberts

Lisa Roberts
CATALOGUE #002: Living Data

Living Data
Animations combine scientific data and subjective experience
Can you tell a little about your work and how it relates to water?
Can you describe one of your water projects?
What are the most critical issues related to water?
What are some of the stories about water that connect to your place?
What else do you want to talk about?
If you wish to physically view and inspect artwork prior to purchase, please contact us to arrange a Private Viewing.
There are artworks which are for sale by the artist not present on this site, if you wish to speak about works from please do not hesitate to contact us. Some may be available, some are sold and others are being held as part of the artists own collection.
If you have any questions or would like to talk about any aspect of purchasing the artworks on this site please do not hesitate to contact us.
The artworks in these galleries are one-of-a-kind original pieces, derived from the artists own observation, imagination, sketch, photograph, video etc. All copyrights and reproduction rights are retained by the artist. These artworks or part thereof may not be reproduced by any person, process or medium without the express written permission of the artist.
There is no option for return, refund or remuneration from the artist or agent after the receipt and acceptance of the work by the buyer. It is understood that the work is purchased on an ‘as is’ basis.
The responsibility for installation of the work lies solely in the hands of the buyer, no responsibility for damages or injury to any parties or property will be taken by the agent or artist after the buyer receives the artwork.
The sale of art from this site constitutes a private sale, of the artwork on behalf of the artist, by the agent, should the artwork be commercially on sold, this sale would be covered under the current Australian regulations and laws which govern the commercial sale/resale of artwork, and may attract a commission payable to the artist and/or artists benefactors for a period of no less than 70 years after the death of the artist, according, to these laws.
The transfer of ownership will be complete and all responsibility and ownership of the physical work by the artist and agent are rescinded on the receipt of the total amount agreed/paid to the agent and the buyer receiving and accepting the artwork.
A Contract/Agreement for the private sale/transfer of ownership of artwork purchased on this site will be provided after the receipt of funds settled into our bank account. Works will then be prepared for shipping either via Australia Post or via Specialized Courier whichever is most appropriate according to the nature of the work.
Artwork with a dimension greater than 200mm x 300mm does NOT qualify for free postage/shipping. Should a specialized courier be required to transport artwork, the buyer will be provided with a quote, which will have to be agreed to/accepted and paid in full prior to transfer of ownership of artwork.